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My Story

2010, I began to have level 10 pain in my arms and legs and went numb. It felt like my entire body was on fire. My Neurologist told me he estimated I would no longer walk in one year. I asked, " Is there anything I can do? Maybe change my diet or something?" He said, "No, there is nothing you can do!"  This statement changed my life. I wanted to walk and would not accept there was nothing I could do. I began my journey on studying natural health so I could walk and heal my body. Later I was diagnosed with Chronic Lyme and Hashimoto's disease. I tried dozen of treatments and spent thousands of dollars on Western and Natural Medicine. In those seven years of being chronically ill, I studied natural health and consistently prayed even when I wasn't getting results. I healed my body naturally in the seventh year. I created Clean Eve to share my story and empower you to become your own health advocate through researching, and "There is always something you can do!"


©2022 by Clean Eve

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