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Your body can heal.

Let's keep in touch! 


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About Me

Clean Eve exists to empower you to be your own health advocate. Crystal Jung started Clean Eve after being chronically ill for seven years. She began to study natural health and healed herself naturally of three chronic disease Thyroid Disease, Hashimoto's, and Lyme disease. She now shares her healing story of what she learned and encourages you to research natural ways to heal your body and find naturally-minded medical providers that get results. 

"Empowering you to find your healing."

— Crystal Jung

Fruits and Nuts

My Podcasts


Podcast: My Story

How I started the health journey.

Pine Spruce Branches 1

Podcast: Power of Waterfasting

What is water fasting?


Podcast: Power of Food

How Food is medicine
and it can heal your body.

Get in Touch

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Bowl of Fruits

©2022 by Clean Eve

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